One of the Michigan Municipal League’s primary goals, as outlined by our founders back in 1899, and still a priority today, is to educate elected and appointed officials in Michigan.

Every bit of education we provide helps our communities provide better, more effective, more efficient service to citizens. We strive to provide our members with up-to-date information on issues, programs, technology, and vendor products and services.

The League Business Alliance Program was established to encourage companies serving local government to forge a stronger partnership with the League to meet these goals. We consider municipal suppliers to be key partners in our ability to educate our officials, to help them provide better service. Vendors are, without a doubt, an essential component in the success of local government.

If your company is not already on this list, consider enrolling today to begin a more positive relationship with the Michigan Municipal League and with the communities we both serve. For more information on these companies, check out the online directory of companies below.

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